Optical Character Recognition

Transcribe text contained in images of typed, handwritten or printed text into machine-encoded text,
whether from a scanned document, a photo of a document, a scene-photo or from subtitle text superimposed on an image.

Recognizes Pen

This OCR is able to recognize handwritten text!

Dockerized API

Featuring the OCR RESTful-API, inside a docker container!

Easy to Use

Ready to use with your own web-application, mobile-application or customize the source files!

Recognizes Pen

When you use an OCR powered by Tensorflow, you know that the results will be highly accurate, no matter whether the text is typed, handwritten, or superimposed in the image!

Dockerized API

Newly improved, and along with postman collections, the python-flask powered OCR RESTful-API can easily be used for development. Also includes code-snippets generated using postman for javascript-jquery-ajax, python for using the API!

Easy to Use & Customize

You can easily integrate this OCR with your web application or mobile application using it's RESTful-API. Out of the box, just add your customization, and your new API will be ready to go!


Adisakshya Chauhan
CSE Undergraduate Student & Budding Software Developer

Digitization is rapidly increasing in the modern era. Due to the growth of information and communication technologies and the wider availability of handheld devices, people often prefer digitized content over the printed materials including books and newspaper. Also, it is easier to organize digitized data and analyze them for various purposes. So in order to keep up with present technological scenario it is necessary to convert all the information till now which is in the printed format to digitized format. So, Here comes OCR which helps us in performing the tedious work of digitizing the information.